Bundle: Spruce D-33 Strumstick with Built-in pickup, a great small Amp, and a 10' guitar(1/4") cable $399
We tested many small amps to find one that really sounds great with the Strumstick. This Special is a perfect way to begin to explore a new, wide range of Strumstick sounds. Learn about it on the Strumstick and Amp Product page, with video demos.
. . .Video demos of 3 D-33 Strumsticks . . .
... Koa D and Ukulele Strumsticks ...
We've got you covered, with videos and more. See
Beginner Lessons
and the
Strumstick Learning Center
Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? My son gave me a
strumstick for Mother’s Day (I’m 78 years old). I’m enjoying it
so much - learning a lot.
Dorothy Rusin
On to the issue of my strumstick: I am sooooooooo brilliant. Nobody will know I’m not really a musician. This is exactly what I had in mind.
Your loyal & happy customer,
Van Dyke Parks
Also, just wanted to let you know I think these things are great. I always wanted to play guitar but I developed serious carpal tunnel syndrome from an early age and just couldn't handle it. I picked up a Strumstick for a few minutes, and just started having the time of my life, and I realized I had to have one. Keep doing what you are doing, I think its great.
All the best, Michael
And now I can`t work or sleep, I even can't write e-mails (until
now), because I have to play the strumstick day and night. This
little thing is very dangerous! I am addicted to it after a few
minutes playing ! You should release it on prescription ( I`m sure this instrument is not only addictive but has also a health effect !!!).
Thanks a lot.
Best regards, Wolfgang
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