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Fingerpicking LC Detail

Learning Center, Fingerpicking

Arpeggios on Strumstick - Quick Bites 
Fingerpicking on Strumstick - Quick Bites 
Delay #2 Arpeggios (with and without Delay)-with pickup
Delay #4 Fingerpicking (with and without Delay)-with pickup

Detailed Written Instructions and Diagrams (PDF)

See more Fingerpicking Patterns and variations, diagrams below the Video


This is Pattern One, with variations. The lines are strings, Fingers on Right and are Green. The rhythm count is in light grey

-H, -S, and -P mean Hammer on, Slide, and Pull off, respectively


This is Patterns Two and Three, with variations. The lines are strings, Fingers on Right and are Green. The rhythm count is in light grey

-H, -S, and -P mean Hammer on, Slide, and Pull off, respectively
