Best Seller Strumstick


What is a Strumstick?

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The Strumstick was designed by Bob McNally especially for Beginners. The Strumstick plays in just one key so there are No Wrong Notes. Learning is much much easier.

Squeeze one string at any fret, strum across all three strings a great sound happens! Squeeze at another fret, another good sound!
The Strumstick makes you sound better than you are...
That's the way to learn!

We figure, its better to succeed in one key than to fail in all 12! 
The Strumstick makes learning easy because the sounds you are making are satisfying, enjoyable, and you like doing it. Learn with satisfaction, enjoyment, rewarded effort. 
Here's another sample:
The Strumstick comes with a great Instruction book and we have a full Learning Center online, and many free videos teaching you.

Check out the Beginners Step by Step Guide

Here is the Most Popular Strumstick model.

The Strumstick site is here to serve you; we have many songs, guidance on how to get more, instructions, and a lot of music to watch or listen to. Please ask us any questions you may have (Contact Us).



Happy Strumming!
Bob McNally and the team at and McNally Instruments LLC.

